Collection of Prints 2 (Fall Semester, 2005)
“Kindling Memoirs” are a collection of multi-color prints that I have been working on for the past three months. I’m interested in the human figure and different ways that one can manipulate the figure to create different unique images.

“Devout Resilience ” portrays my growth spiritually as an individual. Throughout the past year, I have battled with my faith and struggled with defining which religion I belong to. Residing in a house full of very opinionated individuals with very different beliefs has changed my outlook on religion and also my faith. Growing up in a family of devoted christians has also made it difficult for me to question my faith. My faith cannot be defined by a religion, however, I believe that spirituality is unique and different for each individual. This image was inspired by different gods throughout different religions. One god specifically that influenced this print is the Bodhisattva. The many hands are symbolic of how the Bodhisattva reaches out to anyone who is in need. I also wanted to incorporate many different symbols and images into this figure to show that faith is not "black and white" and that a specific religion or belief cannot be "wrong" because faith is different for each individual. This semester I have been researching art from different societies and cultures and incorporating that art into my own prints and paintings. These prints were created to express my thoughts on religion and to depict the struggles that I have had while questioning my religious beliefs.
I love the way you are able to connect what you are thinking about with the image of your art. I truly feel these prints are honest to who you are. Great Blog!!!
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